Have a lovely day!
it's a girls world!

Welcome to RibbonDoll, my virtual paradise
Hello friend! My name is Megan but I also go by Meggie,
and I'm the webmaster of RibbonDoll. This webpage is lovingly crafted by me, I use it to express myself and share my interests. I hope you enjoy your stay ♡
I started HTML coding in Jan. 2024, so I'm still a newbie to it. RibbonDoll was made using Brackets, Google Chrome, and a 14" laptop. This webpage isn't optimized for other browsers and is not mobile friendly. I don't mind if you take inspiration or inspect my code! All I ask is you don't totally rip my code, thank you.
This is a safe space made by a disabled lesbian. Please leave if you don't support marginalized communitites, bigots are not welcone here. Thank you.

♥Update Log ♥
12.27.24 : joined cafe rose! currently working on redoing layout + other pages
11.18.24 : made a doll collection page + started akiham shrine
11.2.24 : finished about me page, we are back in business!!
10.30.24 : finally working again . . . i missed neocities but was lacking inspo and motivation
07.18.24 : started working on about page ,, it's hard to describe myself hngg T-T
07.18.24 : homepage finished!
07.15.24 : wanted to use status cafe again and edited my theme yay ♥
07.14.24 : restarted ribbondoll v4 teehee

To-Do List ♥
add about me page
add shrine page
make aki, hana yori dango, p3p, and kpop shrines
add media review page
add game id page
redo homepage

Neighbors ♥
let me know if you add my button to your site so i can add yours too!

Who am I?
As stated before I'm Megan. I'm a 20 y/o girl from the USA. I'm autistic with severe social anxiety (+ anxiety in general :p). I have a lot of interests including doll collecting, idols (both anime and irl), reading, and playing video games. If you want to learn more, click here!