Have a lovely day!


it's a girls world!

Welcome to RibbonDoll, my virtual paradise

Hello friend! My name is Megan but I also go by Meggie, and I'm the webmaster of RibbonDoll. This webpage is lovingly crafted by me, I use it to express myself and share my interests. I hope you enjoy your stay ♡

I started HTML coding in Jan. 2024, so I'm still a newbie to it. RibbonDoll was made using Brackets, Google Chrome, and a 14" laptop. This webpage isn't optimized for other browsers and is not mobile friendly. I don't mind if you take inspiration or inspect my code! All I ask is you don't totally rip my code, thank you.

This is a safe space made by a disabled lesbian. Please leave if you don't support marginalized communitites, bigots are not welcone here. Thank you.

♥Update Log ♥

12.27.24 : joined cafe rose! currently working on redoing layout + other pages

11.18.24 : made a doll collection page + started akiham shrine

11.2.24 : finished about me page, we are back in business!!

10.30.24 : finally working again . . . i missed neocities but was lacking inspo and motivation

07.18.24 : started working on about page ,, it's hard to describe myself hngg T-T

07.18.24 : homepage finished!

07.15.24 : wanted to use status cafe again and edited my theme yay ♥

07.14.24 : restarted ribbondoll v4 teehee

To-Do List ♥

add about me page

add shrine page

make aki, hana yori dango, p3p, and kpop shrines

add media review page

add game id page

redo homepage

Neighbors ♥

let me know if you add my button to your site so i can add yours too!

Who am I?

As stated before I'm Megan. I'm a 20 y/o girl from the USA. I'm autistic with severe social anxiety (+ anxiety in general :p). I have a lot of interests including doll collecting, idols (both anime and irl), reading, and playing video games. If you want to learn more, click here!

Enjoy my site? Link to me!

Don't love this button? Check out V1 or V2



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RibbonDoll.Neocities.org | Since 01.20.24